About Us
Lucernal are Melbourne-based boutique visualisation specialists offering highly detailed and evocative imagery for architecture and urban design. We are a diverse team of built environment professionals with expertise in architecture, landscape architecture, interior design and construction. As a studio, we are passionate about producing outstanding images for our clients. Lucernal believe that considered visualisation plays a critical role in the design and development process, and enjoy working with designers and clients to see their projects through to realisation.
Mark Fenollar - Creative Director
B.Envs (Arch) Melb
As Lucernal lead artist and Creative Director Mark is a highly experienced architectural visualiser, with over 10 years experience working in Australia’s leading architectural firms and specialised visualisation studios. As an experienced practice-based architectural visualiser, Mark has worked across all project stages from concept design, design development, planning and marketing, from the smallest scale through to major projects. With an eye for detail, Mark pushes the imaginative quality of each image through colour, light and texture.
Dr Fiona Johnson - Studio Director
BA(hons) MLArch PhD Melb
Fiona is a Landscape Architect with a background as a professional researcher and educator. She has extensive teaching experience in digital design and representation for landscape architecture, and as a design studio leader at both the University of Melbourne and RMIT. Her research and writing has been published in peer-reviewed journals and conferences, as well as publications such as Landscape Australia. Fiona believes in the critical capacity for visualisation to engage in design processes that shape better urban environments.